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Meet the Team events

Come and speak to members of the team building Moseley Village, Kings Heath and Pineapple Road stations.

We will be holding drop-in sessions where you can hear updates about the project and share your feedback.

We'd be grateful if you could sign up for a session using the link below so that we have an idea of how many people will be attending. 

Moseley Farmer’s Market, Village Green
Saturday 27 July, 10am-1pm
Sign up for the Moseley event

Kings Heath Library, High Street
Tuesday 6 August, 11am-1pm
Sign up for the Kings Heath event

Stirchley Baths, Bournville Lane
Wednesday 14 August, 5-7pm
Sign up for the Stirchley event

To ensure you have enough time to speak to us, please arrive at least 15 minutes before each drop-in session ends.

You’ll be able to discuss all three stations at any of the sessions, so you can attend whichever one suits you best.

Posted on 18th July 2024

by Caroline